Friday, February 17, 2012
(Audio) @YungOki's new track "Dr. Frankenstein" feat. @Jae_Ace X @TeamNAYKOL
Or as I have come to call her when I see her in my TL, 'Hot Chocolate' (Wonders aloud if she will be able to figure out why I called her that and which follower I am outta her 16k plus...) Anyway, it pays to click on folks links sometimes as I finally got to hear some of her stuff.
She wanted feedback on her song last night but I didn't get a chance to post it up... Here it is now. Give her some feedback.. Hit her at her Twitter or something.
(Kobe system voice) You're welcome.. @ those of you who are gonna go for other reasons..
Man, its Fun Friday..Here's are a few more looks at her why you listen to the song and a video that shows her 'Fun' side...
Fun Friday,
Naykol Johnson,
North Carolina,