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Friday, February 17, 2012
(Pictures) @MsmarisaElise X More Fun Friday...
Courtesy of Dynasty Series..
Have you seen these? If not, enjoy them too... They are from "Hall Mark" Day....
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(Audio) @mrdontrip "Trapped" Produced by @thereals...
(Audio) Final Installment of Mr. Cee's Black Fist ...
(Video) @Gillie_Da_Kid X Chicken Man X @DJDrama (...
(Video) @vali X Polaroid (produced by @therealsap)
(Picture) All of Black Twitter might go get a pass...
(Words/hip hop) So once again, ya'll are 'disappoi...
(video) Maya Rudolph.. Oprah skit that wasn't aire...
(Vote) @LittlePru is up for a contest..(Throws his...
(link) In case you missed it. Sheila E...... UNSUNG..
(Video) @young_guru breaks down the Niggas in Pari...
(Video) Mother in Conn. sentenced to 12 years (5 s...
(Pictures/videos) @DancerMorel X @alynasilva X @ma...
(mixtape/Art) Get Angry Mixtape X @RichMedina X Ta...
(Pictures) has been awhile since I...
(Pictures) @SophiaBodyX #creeplife X and some more...
(Pictures) @StephsDope X Still killing 'em out her...
(Document) Mac Miller's 'rider'... Hopefully this ...
(Video/Pictures) Get familiar with @jasminejannay...
(Pictures/video) #ModelMonday X @HalinaMiranda X @...
(video) Coco (@Cocosworld) shows her booty is real...
(audio/interview) @djalamonj: Do remember tomorrow...
(Video) Deja Vu..... @JLO and Cameron Diaz....
Delonte West is disgusted with the Gloria James ru...
(Pictures) @MishelleLyn another one to get familia...
(Pictures) @Jazanti X @KatBunDLes...just some cand...
(videos) @YONCEE using the Viddy app to give us a ...
(Video) LMAO Pat Knight Lamar co...
(Audio/EP) @rapsodymusic X Black Mamba (production...
(Audio) @SyberSpace (Sy Smith) ft. Rahssaan Patter...
(VIdeo) @KarrineSteffans via @Terry_World (Richard...
(Pictures) Jennifer Lopez X Bikini X UNAIRBRUSHED ...
(Video) Rack City remix..
(Picture) Oh... a Range Rover Evoque Cabriolet....
(Video) Roc Nation's (Jay-Z) artist @RitaOra X Par...
(Video) This is HOW Taxi Confessions should be don...
(Video) @RealNyaLee X @ulovedestinymoore X @elbaev...
(Chuckles) And ya'll wonder why the 'complexion' o...
(Pictures) Twitter 2 X Chromosome of The Week Part...
(pictures) Get familiar X @slimwitaFADE
(Pictures) A little bit more of @TygerBooty
(Pictures) Lets check back in on the girl @Jillisa...
(Picture) LaRon Landry out here looking like a lig...
(Pictures) @MizzDR, @therealTahiry, @_VANESSARAMIR...
(Video) On a lighter note... @KirkoBangz X @IamMal...
The boy @therealsap..The Source - Cool & Dre's Ris...
(video) Crossover..High school a two f...
(Words) Dear Folks in with these 'FantasyLand' ass...
How to Remove Your Google Search History Before Go...
(Pictures) Hump Day Courtesy of @Lux_Suicide...(NS...
(Video) Jon Stewart X The Punanny State...Virginia...
(Video) Throwback video X Maid Outfit X New pictur...
(Pictures) I missed most of these awards. Didn't m...
(Pictures) @R_o_s_e_e_ X Black/White Lingerie...
(Video) @JHONNIBLAZE X Stripper Bowl 2012
(Video) @IamATotalPackage aka Emmaly Lugo X
Good to know the folks at HiphopStan still 'stop b...
(Video) Video: @Marvlus88 (Feat. @iamNoOther & @mr...
(Video) If @thesultrysimone comes to your town, th...
(Audio) @rapsodymusic prod. by @9thWondermusic. #R...
(Pictures/videos) Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the We...
(Video/Pictures) Seems @RosaAcosta has been busy.....
(Pictures/video) Bar Refaeli X Chris Paul....
(Pictures) @KimKardashian X Miami X Bikini X Allur...
(Videos) Maya Rudolph X SNL...Hilarity..
(Video) Ricky Rubio X Blind behind the back pass..
(Audio) 1st Pete Rock, Last week, @questlove..This...
(Video) @BossLadyNYC, @AudraTheRapper,@iamladyluck...
(Pictures) I see @MizzDR on @Hot97 and @shade45 ou...
(Audio) @YungOki's new track "Dr. Frankenstein" fe...
(pictures) Vitali Klitschko gets slapped in the fa...
(Pictures) Drops a little @beautifulApril in your ...
(Pictures/Video) Twitter 2 X Chromosome of the Wee...
(Pictures) Since ya'll have put @TEYANATAYLOR's 'g...
(Gifs/picture) The nice things one of my followers...
(Pictures) @MsmarisaElise X More Fun Friday...
(Pictures) Grammy flicks..Kim K, Rihanna, Serena W...
(Picture) A 648 point word on Words With Friends??
(Pictures) More Fun Friday.. Featuring @AyishaDiaz...
(Pictures) Just thought I would drop a lil @modelC...
(Video) I meant to put this up earlier. Man has a ...
(Audio/Mixtape) #SURPRISESURPRISE The new mixtape ...
(Video/pictures) @AnowaAdjah X #PowerhousePhysique...
(video) @iAlFatir X Love Me Now X directed by @esp...
(Pictures) @JenevaTweets X Go on ahead and get fam...
(Mixtape release/locations) @therealsap's #Surpris...
Congrats to @ashleycmsalazar for winning Miss COED...
(Pictures/Video) @realjenyromero...for her fans..
(Words) Ah..searching for others pain on Twitter.....
Toure: Why Musicians Are Still Plagued by Early De...
(audio) It is ALWAYS nice to go down your TL and s...
(Video) @shortydaprince ft. @DreySkonie @TheRealPa...
@therealSap: From the Back of the Boards to the Ce...
Phonte's Valentine's Day Play List - Entertainment...
(Pictures) @wankaego wishing her fans a Happy Vale...
(Pictures) @MsTamikaCarter X Get Familiar...
(Pictures) @CassiieMeLinda in her Valentine Red ou...
(Pictures/video) @RosaAcosta X Valentine's Day Edi...
(Audio) @therealsap's (Producer of @macmiller's sm...
(Video) Ray J...Speaking on his book..Kim K..Whitn...